Former Staff - W

Listed in this section is an archive list of all players we currently know to have played first team football for Hendon FC, including trialists. Note that this archive is not complete as we have missing data in our records. If you believe you have information that could help us complete this archive, please contact us.

Current Squad Listing
Name Role D.o.B Time at club  
Andy Waddock Player 21/03/1965 1983/84 - 1985/86 Profile
Roger Wade Player 21/10/1957 1985/86 - 1989/90 Profile
Bradley Wadkins Player 10/07/1993 2012/13 - 2012/13 Profile
Ethan Wady Player 25/01/2002 2021/22 - 2021/22 Profile
Jan Wagenaar Player 1996/97 - 1996/97 Profile
Brian Wakefield Player 1965/66 - 1965/66 Profile
George Wakeman Player 1947/48 - 1949/50 Profile
Dave Walker Player 1935/36 - 1937/38 Profile
Josh Walker Player 18/12/1997 2017/18 - 2017/18 Profile
Roy Walker Player 17/05/1939 1960/61 - 1964/65 Profile
Adam Wallace Player 22/03/1984 2013/14 - 2015/16 Profile
Dave Wallace Player 1994/95 - 1995/96 Profile
Steve Wallace Player 29/03/1961 1989/90 - 1989/90 Profile
Ricky Waller Player 1999/00 - 1999/00 Profile
Steve Waller Player 1974/75 - 1974/75 Profile
Billy Walsh Player 30/11/2005 2024/25 - 2024/25 Profile
Harry Walsh Player 27/10/1910 1929/30 - 1930/31 Profile
Micky Walsh Player 1962/63 - 1962/63 Profile
Tommy Walsh Player 2012/13 - 2012/13 Profile
C Walters Player 1940/41 - 1940/41 Profile
Gwyn Walters Manager 1991/92 - 1991/92 Profile
James Walters Player 2010/11 - 2010/11 Profile
Wayne Walters Player 12/04/1975 2012/13 - 2012/13 Profile
John Walter Player 1958/59 - 1960/61 Profile
Byron Walton Player 1996/97 - 1996/97 Profile
Will Wambeek Player 2012/13 - 2012/13 Profile
Bob Wardlaw Player 27/06/1901 1922/23 - 1929/30 Profile
Bill Ward Player 1954/55 - 1954/55 Profile
Jim Ward Player 26/07/1929 1952/53 - 1955/56 Profile
L Ward 9999/00 to date Profile
R Ward 9999/00 to date Profile
Ralph Ward Player 19/04/1916 1934/35 - 1941/42 Profile
John Warman Player 1961/62 - 1961/62 Profile
Curtis Warmington Player
30/11/1964 1993/94 - 2000/01 Profile
Roger Warnes Player 1963/64 - 1963/64 Profile
L Warne Player 1934/35 - 1934/35 Profile
Frank Warn Player 1958/59 - 1958/59 Profile
Charlie Warren Player 1958/59 - 1958/59 Profile
Kieran Warren Player 29/11/1998 2015/16 - 2015/16 Profile
O Warren Player 1914/15 - 1919/20 Profile
Reggie Warren Player 1927/28 - 1927/28 Profile
Frank Watkins Player 1926/27 - 1927/28 Profile
W E Watkins Player 1930/31 - 1930/31 Profile
Darren Watson Player 01/05/1982 2005/06 - 2006/07 Profile
Jock Watson Player 1946/47 - 1947/48 Profile
Marvyn Watson Player 19/12/1977 1998/99 - 2005/06 Profile
W Watson Player 1931/32 - 1931/32 Profile
Jimmy Watts Player 1958/59 - 1958/59 Profile
Ryan Watts Player 18/05/1988 2024/25 to date Profile
Jim Watt Player 1982/83 - 1982/83 Profile
Bert Weaver Player 1935/36 - 1939/40 Profile
J Weaver Player 1936/37 - 1936/37 Profile
Jack Weaver Player 1924/25 - 1925/26 Profile
Freddy Webb Player 1928/29 - 1929/30 Profile
Paul Webb Player 04/09/1972 1990/91 - 1991/92 Profile
R Webb Player 1941/42 - 1942/43 Profile
? Webdale Player 1926/27 - 1926/27 Profile
Steve Webster Player 1974/75 - 1974/75 Profile
William Webster Player 22/02/1910 1937/38 - 1937/38 Profile
Jack Weeks Player 1933/34 - 1947/48 Profile
Alex Weir Coach 10/08/1917 1958/59 - 1958/59 Profile
Mason Welch-Turner Player 2015/16 - 2015/16 Profile
Joe Welch Player 29/11/1988 2008/09 - 2008/09 Profile
Makai Welch Player 04/10/2005 2024/25 - 2024/25 Profile
Arthur Welland Player 1943/44 - 1952/53 Profile
Bert Welland Player 1949/50 - 1953/54 Profile
C M G Welland Player 1925/26 - 1925/26 Profile
Dennis Wells Player 1960/61 - 1960/61 Profile
Tony Wells Player 23/05/1975 1996/97 - 1996/97 Profile
Jeff Welsh Player 1995/96 - 1995/96 Profile
T D Welsh Player 1931/32 - 1931/32 Profile
Patou Wemboloua Player 2002/03 - 2002/03 Profile
Nathan Westcott Player 2004/05 - 2004/05 Profile
John Westmore Player 1950/51 - 1959/60 Profile
Len Weston Player 1944/45 - 1944/45 Profile
Steve Weston Player 2002/03 - 2002/03 Profile
Brian West Player 1960/61 - 1961/62 Profile
Tommy West Player 1922/23 - 1923/24 Profile
A Wharton Player 1946/47 - 1946/47 Profile
J Wharton Player 1945/46 - 1945/46 Profile
Ryan Wharton Player 2006/07 - 2015/16 Profile
Harry Wheeler Player 29/07/1988 2006/07 - 2006/07 Profile
A White (tbd) 9999/00 to date Profile
Ron Whiteaker Player 1962/63 - 1968/69 Profile
A White Player 1945/46 - 1945/46 Profile
Bob White Player 1933/34 - 1934/35 Profile
Darren White Player 03/03/1968 1985/86 - 1990/91 Profile
G White Player 1945/46 - 1945/46 Profile
H S White Player 1920/21 - 1921/22 Profile
Harvey White Player 28/02/2001 2019/20 - 2019/20 Profile
Joe White Player 16/01/1999 2017/18 - 2024/25 Profile
John-Simon White Player 09/09/1974 1996/97 - 1999/00 Profile
Mickey White Player 12/01/1999 2016/17 - 2018/19 Profile
A Whiting Player 1942/43 - 1942/43 Profile
Paul Whitmarsh Player 18/09/1973 1997/98 - 1999/00 Profile
W Whitting Player 1940/41 - 1940/41 Profile
Don Whyte Player 1967/68 - 1967/68 Profile
Willie Whyte Player 1980/81 - 1980/81 Profile
G Wicks Player 1914/15 - 1914/15 Profile
Ron Widdowfield Player 11/12/1934 1959/60 - 1960/61 Profile
Bradley Wilkinson Player 2012/13 - 2012/13 Profile
R Wilkinson Player 1931/32 - 1931/32 Profile
S A Wilkinson Player 1925/26 - 1925/26 Profile
Trevor Wilkinson Player 15/09/1966 1990/91 - 1992/93 Profile
Graham Wilkins Player 28/06/1955 1984/85 - 1984/85 Profile
Steve Wilkins Player 1983/84 - 1985/86 Profile
Alf Williams Player 1941/42 - 1945/46 Profile
Barrie Williams Player 1992/93 - 1992/93 Profile
Dan Williams Player 05/01/1997 2019/20 - 2022/23 Profile
Derek Williams Player 1984/85 - 1985/86 Profile
Dwane Williams Player 07/04/1983 2006/07 - 2006/07 Profile
Fred Williams Player 1945/46 - 1945/46 Profile
Kai Williams Player 06/10/1985 2007/08 - 2007/08 Profile
Lamelle Williams Player 2006/07 - 2006/07 Profile
Maurice Williams Player 1961/62 - 1963/64 Profile
Otis Williams Player 2008/09 - 2008/09 Profile
Scott Williams Player 2004/05 - 2004/05 Profile
Sylvester Williams Player 1995/96 - 1995/96 Profile
Terence Willis Player 1956/57 - 1956/57 Profile
? Willmott Player 1919/20 - 1919/20 Profile
E Willmott Player 1938/39 - 1938/39 Profile
Richard Wilmot Player 29/08/1969 2000/01 - 2008/09 Profile
Jimmy Wilsonham Player 27/12/1946 1972/73 - 1974/75 Profile
A Wilson Player 1938/39 - 1938/39 Profile
A C Wilson Player 1920/21 - 1920/21 Profile
A M Wilson Player 1927/28 - 1927/28 Profile
Bobby Wilson Player 29/05/1944 1967/68 - 1970/71 Profile
E J Wilson Player 1920/21 - 1921/22 Profile
Frank Wilson Player 23/07/1986 2008/09 - 2008/09 Profile
Frank Wilson Player 1956/57 - 1958/59 Profile
John Wilson Player 1967/68 - 1974/75 Profile
Lewis Wilson Player 19/02/1993 2021/22 - 2021/22 Profile
J P Wilton Player 1929/30 - 1934/35 Profile
Danny Wiltshire Player 1948/49 - 1948/49 Profile
Geoff Wiltshire Player 1981/82 - 1982/83 Profile
Kyran Wiltshire Player 30/06/1996 2023/24 - 2023/24 Profile
Norman Windsor Player 1969/70 - 1971/72 Profile
Tony Winston Player 1982/83 - 1982/83 Profile
William Winyard Player 1914/15 - 1920/21 Profile
Cecil Wise Player 1919/20 - 1926/27 Profile
Harly Wise Player 07/06/1996 2017/18 - 2017/18 Profile
Daniel Wishart Player 28/05/1992 2010/11 - 2010/11 Profile
George Wodehouse Player 1921/22 - 1921/22 Profile
Neil Wolstenholme Player 29/10/1963 1986/87 - 1989/90 Profile
Jack Woodcraft Player 26/05/1988 2004/05 - 2004/05 Profile
Tom Woodcraft Player 21/02/1985 2004/05 - 2004/05 Profile
Leon Woodruffe Player 01/07/1977 2001/02 - 2002/03 Profile
Bradley Woods-Garness Player 27/06/1986 2009/10 - 2009/10 Profile
Herbert Woodward Player 1919/20 - 1923/24 Profile
John Woodward Player 1980/81 - 1980/81 Profile
L Woodward Player 1913/14 - 1913/14 Profile
Michael Woolner Player 01/06/1979 2001/02 - 2002/03 Profile
Brian Woozley Player 1965/66 - 1967/68 Profile
Danny Worley Player 1984/85 - 1987/88 Profile
Richard Worrell Player 17/01/1986 2014/15 - 2014/15 Profile
Eric Worthington Player 29/12/1925 1942/43 - 1944/45 Profile
Roy Worthington Player 1943/44 - 1943/44 Profile
J Wreford Player 1941/42 - 1941/42 Profile
Arthur Wright Player 1939/40 - 1939/40 Profile
Derek Wright Player 1959/60 - 1959/60 Profile
E J E Wright Player 1913/14 - 1919/20 Profile
Joe Wright Player 01/07/1992 2015/16 - 2015/16 Profile
R Wright Player 1947/48 - 1947/48 Profile
Alan Wyatt Player 1957/58 - 1960/61 Profile