Former Staff - M

Listed in this section is an archive list of all players we currently know to have played first team football for Hendon FC, including trialists. Note that this archive is not complete as we have missing data in our records. If you believe you have information that could help us complete this archive, please contact us.

Current Squad Listing
Name Role D.o.B Time at club  
Mo Maan Player 10/10/1985 2012/13 - 2012/13 Profile
Duncan MacDowell Player 12/06/1964 1983/84 - 1983/84 Profile
Finlay MacNab Player 27/12/2000 2023/24 - 2023/24 Profile
Gavin MacPherson Player 1989/90 - 1991/92 Profile
Casey Maclaren Player 31/03/1987 2007/08 - 2017/18 Profile
Connor Maclaren Player 29/04/1992 2010/11 - 2010/11 Profile
Kevin Maclaren Player 11/11/1988 2008/09 - 2016/17 Profile
Billy Macmillan Player 1983/84 - 1983/84 Profile
Stanley Mainstone Player 1959/60 - 1959/60 Profile
Naz Majeed Player 2017/18 - 2017/18 Profile
Bob Makin Manager
Assistant Manager
1992/93 - 1992/93 Profile
Bob Makin Player 12/06/1953 1992/93 - 1992/93 Profile
H Malcolm Player 1944/45 - 1944/45 Profile
G Malkin Player 1942/43 - 1942/43 Profile
A E Mallett Player 1918/19 - 1920/21 Profile
E Mallinder 9999/00 to date Profile
J Maloney Player 1944/45 - 1945/46 Profile
Leon Maloney Player 2000/01 - 2006/07 Profile
Mick Mancini Player 08/06/1956 1983/84 - 1983/84 Profile
A W Mander Player 1931/32 - 1931/32 Profile
Sergio Manesio Player 01/07/1994 2012/13 - 2019/20 Profile
Ray Mangan Player 1977/78 - 1977/78 Profile
J Manners Player 1926/27 - 1926/27 Profile
Jaa'ye Mannix Player 1995/96 - 1995/96 Profile
Festus Mansaray Player 19/05/1990 2008/09 - 2008/09 Profile
Jake Manzi Player 18/06/1990 2010/11 - 2010/11 Profile
Charlie Mapes Player 04/07/1982 2005/06 - 2008/09 Profile
George Mapes Player 2006/07 - 2006/07 Profile
Matthew Maran Player 1997/98 - 1999/00 Profile
L Marcantonio Player 1937/38 - 1938/39 Profile
Gordon Marchant Player 1912/13 - 1913/14 Profile
Loris Marcimain Player 06/06/1996 2023/24 - 2023/24 Profile
Pedro Marenco Player 2014/15 - 2014/15 Profile
G A Margetts Player 1925/26 - 1927/28 Profile
H Marks Player 1924/25 - 1924/25 Profile
N J Markwick Player 1925/26 - 1925/26 Profile
Gianni Marotta 25/11/1990 9999/00 to date Profile
Gianni Marotta Player 25/11/1990 2009/10 - 2009/10 Profile
Gerry Marrable Player 23/10/1913 1934/35 - 1952/53 Profile
R Marsden Player 1937/38 - 1937/38 Profile
? Marsh Player 1934/35 - 1934/35 Profile
H Martinson 9999/00 to date Profile
P Martinson Player 1939/40 - 1944/45 Profile
Adam Martin Player 2018/19 - 2018/19 Profile
Mahlando Martin Player 2017/18 - 2017/18 Profile
R Martin Player 1945/46 - 1946/47 Profile
Tony Martin Player 1982/83 - 1982/83 Profile
Tony Martin Player 1977/78 - 1977/78 Profile
P Martison 9999/00 to date Profile
Ram Marwa Player 10/12/1980 2019/20 - 2019/20 Profile
Dean Mason Player 2018/19 - 2018/19 Profile
Jason Mason Player 13/12/1984 2010/11 - 2010/11 Profile
Kevin Mason Player 2006/07 - 2006/07 Profile
Tommy Mason Player 19/06/1960 1993/94 - 1993/94 Profile
Tommy Mason Player 1950/51 - 1951/52 Profile
Alan Massey Player 11/01/1989 2007/08 - 2007/08 Profile
E Massey Player 1943/44 - 1943/44 Profile
Luke Massingham Player 20/12/2001 2024/25 - 2024/25 Profile
Peter Mathews Player 1960/61 - 1960/61 Profile
G Mathieson Player 1949/50 - 1949/50 Profile
Rihards Matrevics Player 18/03/1999 2019/20 - 2020/21 Profile
Dan Matsuzaka Player 13/08/1997 2022/23 - 2023/24 Profile
? Matthews 9999/00 to date Profile
Billy Matthews Player 19/05/1985 2005/06 - 2005/06 Profile
F W Matthews Player 1912/13 - 1913/14 Profile
John Matthews Player 1955/56 - 1955/56 Profile
Les Matthews Player 1950/51 - 1950/51 Profile
Rhys Matthews Player 2013/14 - 2013/14 Profile
Tony Matthias Player 1994/95 - 1995/96 Profile
Ryan Mattos Player 2009/10 - 2009/10 Profile
Cameron Mawer Assistant Manager 2021/22 - 2022/23 Profile
Dave Mawson Manager 1981/82 - 1982/83 Profile
Glyn Maxim Player 1989/90 - 1990/91 Profile
William Mays Player 04/03/1896 1921/22 - 1922/23 Profile
Sam Mazurek Player 2012/13 - 2012/13 Profile
Jack Mazzone Player 15/04/1993 2011/12 - 2012/13 Profile
Prince Mbengui Player 10/11/1996 2018/19 - 2018/19 Profile
Alec McAndrew Player 1961/62 - 1961/62 Profile
Troy McAuliffe Player 1986/87 - 1986/87 Profile
E McCaffrey Player 1942/43 - 1942/43 Profile
A A McCall Player 1927/28 - 1928/29 Profile
Spencer McCall Player 23/06/1995 2016/17 - 2016/17 Profile
Gary McCann Player 25/07/1972 1996/97 - 2017/18 Profile
Max McCann Player 2009/10 - 2015/16 Profile
R McCann Player 1943/44 - 1944/45 Profile
Alan McCarthy Player 11/01/1972 2000/01 - 2000/01 Profile
Damien McCarthy Player 10/04/1991 2010/11 - 2010/11 Profile
H J McCarthy Player 1931/32 - 1931/32 Profile
Tyler McCarthy Player 2016/17 - 2016/17 Profile
J McCaulay Player 1939/40 - 1939/40 Profile
J McCaulay 9999/00 to date Profile
Martin McCayna Player 1989/90 - 1989/90 Profile
Doug McClure Player 06/09/1964 1989/90 - 1990/91 Profile
Carl McCluskey Player 30/07/1986 2011/12 - 2015/16 Profile
George McCluskey Player 19/11/1993 2012/13 - 2013/14 Profile
Andrew McCorkell Player 09/10/1997 2016/17 - 2018/19 Profile
E T McCracken Player 1922/23 - 1923/24 Profile
John McDaid Player 1987/88 - 1987/88 Profile
Richard McDonagh Player 06/11/1973 2004/05 - 2004/05 Profile
Joe McDonnell Player 19/05/1994 2013/14 - 2013/14 Profile
Leon McDowall Player 2006/07 - 2006/07 Profile
Mike McEntegart Player 17/01/1990 2013/14 - 2013/14 Profile
James McGleish Player 1979/80 - 1980/81 Profile
Scott McGleish Player 04/02/1974 2018/19 - 2019/20 Profile
Malachy McGovern Player 28/08/2000 2016/17 - 2017/18 Profile
Steve McGrath Player 25/01/1969 2004/05 - 2005/06 Profile
Brian McGreevey Player 29/09/1935 1953/54 - 1953/54 Profile
? McGuire 9999/00 to date Profile
T McGuire Player 1940/41 - 1940/41 Profile
Craig McIntosh Player 2003/04 - 2003/04 Profile
J McIntyre Player 1935/36 - 1935/36 Profile
Roger McKay Player 1982/83 - 1983/84 Profile
Len McKendry Player 1969/70 - 1970/71 Profile
J McKenzie Player 1928/29 - 1928/29 Profile
Taylor McKenzie Player 2017/18 - 2017/18 Profile
A McKickan Player 1911/12 - 1911/12 Profile
Steve McKimm Player 30/07/1975 1994/95 - 1995/96 Profile
Ian McKinley Player 1957/58 - 1957/58 Profile
John McKinney Player 2000/01 - 2000/01 Profile
P McKinney Player 1943/44 - 1944/45 Profile
Jason McKoy Player 1998/99 - 1999/00 Profile
Ben McLaughlan Player 1959/60 - 1959/60 Profile
A McLean Player 1937/38 - 1937/38 Profile
A A McLean Player 1921/22 - 1921/22 Profile
Rian McLean Player 27/10/1998 2017/18 - 2017/18 Profile
Aaron McLeish Player 27/05/1987 2003/04 - 2003/04 Profile
Josh McLeod-Urquhart Player 17/08/1992 2016/17 - 2016/17 Profile
Eddie McLoughlin Assistant Manager 2019/20 - 2020/21 Profile
? McMillan Player 1926/27 - 1926/27 Profile
Ben McNamara Player 29/09/1988 2014/15 - 2014/15 Profile
Nigel McNeil Player 1986/87 - 1986/87 Profile
Daniel McNicholas Player 15/09/1996 2013/14 - 2014/15 Profile
Terry McQuade Player 24/02/1941 1965/66 - 1965/66 Profile
H McQueen Player 1926/27 - 1926/27 Profile
Barry McRae Player 1956/57 - 1958/59 Profile
Gary McVie Player 1994/95 - 1995/96 Profile
Graeme McVie Player 1994/95 - 1994/95 Profile
Billy Meadows Player 20/10/1942 1975/76 - 1975/76 Profile
Horace Meadows Player 1954/55 - 1955/56 Profile
Toni Meadows Player 1987/88 - 1988/89 Profile
Daniel Mead Player 2005/06 - 2005/06 Profile
H Mead 9999/00 to date Profile
H J Mead Player 1928/29 - 1930/31 Profile
G Meakin Player 1942/43 - 1942/43 Profile
Gary Meakin Player 17/01/1984 2003/04 - 2005/06 Profile
Albert Meek Player 1949/50 - 1950/51 Profile
Sofiane Mehdi Player 2005/06 - 2005/06 Profile
? Meir Player 1921/22 - 1921/22 Profile
Ibrahim Meite Player 29/07/1996 2024/25 - 2024/25 Profile
Lionel Mellish Player 12/01/1892 1918/19 - 1919/20 Profile
Jonathan Mengi Player 07/08/2004 2023/24 - 2023/24 Profile
Edwin Mensah Player 17/11/1999 2018/19 - 2018/19 Profile
Romey Meoded Player 19/12/2003 2022/23 - 2022/23 Profile
L Mercantonio 9999/00 to date Profile
Tom Meredith Player 27/10/1977 1995/96 - 1995/96 Profile
Charlie Merson Player 2019/20 - 2019/20 Profile
Denis Meta Player 2015/16 - 2015/16 Profile
Christian Metcalfe Player 14/12/1974 2002/03 - 2002/03 Profile
David Metchick Player 14/08/1943 1975/76 - 1975/76 Profile
Ronny Mfinda Player 06/11/1998 2024/25 to date Profile
Roman Michael-Percil Player 28/02/1995 2014/15 - 2014/15 Profile
Paul Middleton Player 1978/79 - 1979/80 Profile
Jack Midson Player 21/07/1983 2002/03 - 2002/03 Profile
Barkley Miguel Panzo Player 09/09/1992 2010/11 - 2011/12 Profile
Gradi Milenge Player 29/10/1996 2016/17 - 2016/17 Profile
D Miles 9999/00 to date Profile
David Miles Player 1934/35 - 1935/36 Profile
Tony Millard Player 1999/00 - 1999/00 Profile
H Miller Player 1920/21 - 1920/21 Profile
Hugh Miller Player 1949/50 - 1949/50 Profile
Ted Miller Player 14/12/1897 1928/29 - 1928/29 Profile
Keith Mills Player 1965/66 - 1965/66 Profile
Norman Milne Player 1980/81 - 1980/81 Profile
Melvin Minter Player 07/03/1995 2015/16 - 2017/18 Profile
Wilf Minter Player 11/02/1898 1931/32 - 1931/32 Profile
Massih Mirzai Player 01/09/1992 2011/12 - 2011/12 Profile
Mustafa Mirzai Player 09/03/1994 2011/12 - 2012/13 Profile
Barry Mitchell Player 1964/65 - 1965/66 Profile
Paul Mitchell Player 1981/82 - 1981/82 Profile
Reece Mitchell Player 19/09/1995 2018/19 - 2019/20 Profile
Ron Mitchell Player 22/06/1921 1942/43 - 1945/46 Profile
Stewart Mitchell Player 04/03/1961 1983/84 - 1984/85 Profile
E Mitsen Player 1929/30 - 1929/30 Profile
Thami Mmakola Player 21/01/2003 2023/24 - 2023/24 Profile
Omar Mohammed Player 2016/17 - 2016/17 Profile
G Moisier Player 1926/27 - 1926/27 Profile
Javonne Molloy Player 05/05/1992 2011/12 - 2011/12 Profile
A Monk Player 1943/44 - 1943/44 Profile
Percy Moody Player 1927/28 - 1928/29 Profile
Des Mooney Player 1986/87 - 1986/87 Profile
Tarik Moore-Azille Player 21/03/1996 2022/23 - 2022/23 Profile
Micky Moore Player 1957/58 - 1958/59 Profile
Richard Moore Player 1963/64 - 1963/64 Profile
Stan Moore Player 1928/29 - 1930/31 Profile
Tafari Moore Player 05/07/1997 2021/22 - 2021/22 Profile
Ted Moore Player 1971/72 - 1971/72 Profile
Ricardo Morais Player 2012/13 - 2012/13 Profile
John Moran Player 1962/63 - 1962/63 Profile
Mick Moran Player 1979/80 - 1979/80 Profile
Aaron Morgan Player 29/09/1989 2010/11 - 2016/17 Profile
G Morgan Player 1938/39 - 1938/39 Profile
J Morgan Player 1935/36 - 1935/36 Profile
Marvin Morgan 9999/00 to date Profile
Marvin Morgan Player 13/04/1983 2018/19 - 2018/19 Profile
Nick Morgan Player 11/01/1986 2010/11 - 2010/11 Profile
Robert Morgan Player 2004/05 - 2004/05 Profile
Junior Morias Player 04/07/1995 2012/13 - 2013/14 Profile
Mark Moria Player 2016/17 - 2016/17 Profile
Colin Morley Player 1950/51 - 1954/55 Profile
Jack Morley Player 1962/63 - 1962/63 Profile
Ken Morley Player 1948/49 - 1948/49 Profile
T F L Morrell Player 1926/27 - 1926/27 Profile
James Morrison Player 2004/05 - 2004/05 Profile
Jock Morrison Player 1948/49 - 1949/50 Profile
Pat Morrissey Player 23/02/1948 1981/82 - 1981/82 Profile
Franklyn Morris Player 07/05/1989 2006/07 - 2006/07 Profile
L Morris Player 1922/23 - 1922/23 Profile
Samuel Morris Player 23/10/2006 2024/25 - 2024/25 Profile
Bill Morton Player 1929/30 - 1936/37 Profile
S Morton Player 1929/30 - 1929/30 Profile
Elias Moses Player 12/02/1995 2013/14 - 2014/15 Profile
A Moss Player 1945/46 - 1945/46 Profile
Alf Moss Player 1967/68 - 1968/69 Profile
Stuart Mudd Player 1982/83 - 1982/83 Profile
Stuart Mudd 9999/00 to date Profile
Excellence Muhemba Player 21/04/2000 2024/25 to date Profile
Dicky Muirhead Player 1955/56 - 1955/56 Profile
Ian Muir Player 1991/92 - 1991/92 Profile
Niko Muir Player 01/03/1993 2012/13 to date Profile
Fred Mukunku Player 2009/10 - 2009/10 Profile
Gerry Mulhern Player 1987/88 - 1989/90 Profile
Paul Mullings Player 1988/89 - 1988/89 Profile
Len Muncer Player 23/10/1913 1934/35 - 1934/35 Profile
A Munday 9999/00 to date Profile
D Munday Player 1944/45 - 1944/45 Profile
E Munday Player 1941/42 - 1941/42 Profile
J Munday Player 1941/42 - 1941/42 Profile
Jon Munday Player 13/04/1988 2006/07 - 2006/07 Profile
Tony Munday Player 1941/42 - 1943/44 Profile
Eddie Munnelly Player 27/07/1987 2010/11 - 2012/13 Profile
Colin Murchison Player 1953/54 - 1953/54 Profile
Brendan Murphy-McVey Player 03/11/1994 2018/19 - 2018/19 Profile
Charlie Murphy Player 1958/59 - 1961/62 Profile
Danny Murphy Player 26/04/1987 2005/06 - 2006/07 Profile
Dean Murphy Player 1995/96 - 1996/97 Profile
Frank Murphy Player
01/06/1959 1996/97 - 2000/01 Profile
Ged Murphy Assistant Manager 1994/95 - 1995/96 Profile
Kieran Murphy Player 31/12/1987 2006/07 - 2006/07 Profile
Paul Murphy Player 1988/89 - 1988/89 Profile
Sam Murphy Player 22/12/1989 2014/15 - 2017/18 Profile
Tom Murphy Player 1980/81 - 1985/86 Profile
William Murphy Player 22/10/1999 2017/18 - 2018/19 Profile
? Murray Player 1937/38 - 1937/38 Profile
A Murray Player 1946/47 - 1946/47 Profile
A Murray Player 1910/11 - 1910/11 Profile
Alan Murray Player 08/03/1986 2011/12 - 2011/12 Profile
Michael Murray Player 03/12/1988 2012/13 - 2014/15 Profile
Rhys Murrell-Williamson Player 10/07/1993 2022/23 - 2022/23 Profile