Listed in this section is an archive list of all players we currently know to have played first team football for Hendon FC, including trialists. Note that this archive is not complete as we have missing data in our records. If you believe you have information that could help us complete this archive, please contact us.
Name | Role | D.o.B | Time at club | |
Andre Da Costa | Player | 13/05/1991 | 2014/15 - 2017/18 | Profile |
Khale Da Costa | Player | 28/12/1993 | 2016/17 - 2016/17 | Profile |
Jandir Jose Da Cruz | Player | 2018/19 - 2019/20 | Profile | |
Michael Dada | Player | 2020/21 - 2020/21 | Profile | |
Alan Dafforn | Player | 1968/69 - 1969/70 | Profile | |
Brian Daley | Player | 1954/55 - 1955/56 | Profile | |
F Dale | Player | 1919/20 - 1919/20 | Profile | |
H J Dale | Player | 1919/20 - 1919/20 | Profile | |
Malcolm Dalrymple | Player | 08/10/1951 | 1975/76 - 1976/77 | Profile |
Mick Dalton | Player | 1994/95 - 1995/96 | Profile | |
George Daly | Player | 05/11/1990 | 2012/13 - 2012/13 | Profile |
Jon Daly | Player | 20/09/1967 | 1992/93 - 2000/01 | Profile |
Wes Daly | Player | 07/03/1984 | 2009/10 - 2009/10 | Profile |
R Daniels | Player | 1946/47 - 1946/47 | Profile | |
John Daniel | Player | 1966/67 - 1966/67 | Profile | |
Jeff Darey | Player | 26/02/1934 | 1955/56 - 1956/57 | Profile |
Billy Dare | Player | 14/02/1927 | 1948/49 - 1948/49 | Profile |
Trevor Dark | Player | 29/01/1961 | 1980/81 - 1981/82 | Profile |
Jermaine Darlington | Player | 11/04/1974 | 1996/97 - 1996/97 | Profile |
Tommy Darling | Player | 1954/55 - 1954/55 | Profile | |
G Darvill | 9999/00 to date | Profile | ||
George Darvill | Player | 1913/14 - 1926/27 | Profile | |
Marc Das | Player | 1991/92 - 1991/92 | Profile | |
Les Davey | Player | 1962/63 - 1963/64 | Profile | |
Barry Davidson | Player | 1966/67 - 1966/67 | Profile | |
J J Davidson | Player | 1910/11 - 1911/12 | Profile | |
Kurt Davidson | Player | 21/06/1964 | 1991/92 - 1992/93 | Profile |
Barrie Davies | Player | 1967/68 - 1974/75 | Profile | |
Brian Davies | Player | 1961/62 - 1961/62 | Profile | |
Christian Davies | Player | 18/11/1974 | 1993/94 - 1993/94 | Profile |
Graham Davies | Player | 1960/61 - 1960/61 | Profile | |
Les Davies | Player | 1983/84 - 1983/84 | Profile | |
Roy Davies | Player | 1991/92 - 1991/92 | Profile | |
Roy Davies | Player | 25/10/1953 | 1974/75 - 1974/75 | Profile |
Will Davies | Player | 2004/05 - 2004/05 | Profile | |
Tom Davie | Player | 23/07/1994 | 2011/12 - 2011/12 | Profile |
Amari Davis-Stephenson | Player | 22/10/2004 | 2024/25 - 2024/25 | Profile |
Fred Davis | Player | 1937/38 - 1938/39 | Profile | |
Kai Davis | Player | 03/02/1997 | 2018/19 - 2018/19 | Profile |
Lewis Davis | Player | 2017/18 - 2017/18 | Profile | |
Mark Dawber | Player | 1995/96 - 1997/98 | Profile | |
Joel Dawes | Player | 13/05/1991 | 2013/14 - 2013/14 | Profile |
Ray Dawe | Player | 1962/63 - 1962/63 | Profile | |
Tarum Dawkins | Player | 2017/18 - 2017/18 | Profile | |
Josh Dawodu | Player | 10/10/2000 | 2022/23 - 2022/23 | Profile |
Derek Dawson | Player | 1958/59 - 1958/59 | Profile | |
Paul Dawson | Player | 23/11/1966 | 1990/91 - 1990/91 | Profile |
Roger Day | Player | 03/12/1939 | 1979/80 - 1980/81 | Profile |
Travers Day | Player | 30/04/1898 | 1921/22 - 1924/25 | Profile |
Brian De Salvo | Player | 1961/62 - 1962/63 | Profile | |
Charles De Sousa | Player | 1996/97 - 1996/97 | Profile | |
Greg Deacon | Player | 22/03/1984 | 2006/07 - 2006/07 | Profile |
John Deadman | Player | 03/09/1972 | 1995/96 - 1995/96 | Profile |
Peter Deadman | Player | 04/02/1945 | 1970/71 - 1981/82 | Profile |
D Deane | Player | 1927/28 - 1927/28 | Profile | |
Bob Dean | Player | 1930/31 - 1932/33 | Profile | |
Frank Dean | Player | 1929/30 - 1934/35 | Profile | |
Peter Dean | Player | 1962/63 - 1965/66 | Profile | |
Peter Dean | Player | 12/03/1986 | 2008/09 - 2014/15 | Profile |
Aderi Dede | Player | 07/08/2000 | 2024/25 - 2024/25 | Profile |
G P Deeks | Player | 1926/27 - 1926/27 | Profile | |
Richard Dee | Player | 2000/01 - 2001/02 | Profile | |
Achille Degan | Player | 2017/18 - 2017/18 | Profile | |
Martin Delaney | Player | 2004/05 - 2004/05 | Profile | |
Andre Delisser | Player | 2003/04 - 2003/04 | Profile | |
L J Dellow | Player | 1926/27 - 1926/27 | Profile | |
Shayne Demetrious | Player | 2004/05 - 2004/05 | Profile | |
W Dempster | Player | 1927/28 - 1927/28 | Profile | |
Guri Demuria | 9999/00 to date | Profile | ||
Guri Demuria | Player | 24/09/1995 | 2017/18 - 2023/24 | Profile |
Billy Denham | Player | 1912/13 - 1912/13 | Profile | |
Jock Denham | 9999/00 to date | Profile | ||
Iain Denholm | Player | 14/02/1948 | 1972/73 - 1972/73 | Profile |
Desmond Dennis | Player | 1982/83 - 1982/83 | Profile | |
P Dennis | Player | 1940/41 - 1940/41 | Profile | |
George Devine | Player | 2021/22 - 2021/22 | Profile | |
Eddie Devlin | Player | 1967/68 - 1973/74 | Profile | |
Brandon Diau | Player | 2017/18 - 2017/18 | Profile | |
Tyla Dickinson | Player | 03/04/2001 | 2019/20 - 2019/20 | Profile |
C N Dickson | Player | 1920/21 - 1920/21 | Profile | |
Dave Diedhiou | Player Coach |
11/03/1989 | 2008/09 to date | Profile |
Peter Digweed | Player | 1961/62 - 1961/62 | Profile | |
Aaron Dillon | Player | 05/12/1996 | 2020/21 - 2020/21 | Profile |
Ivailo Dimitrov | Player | 08/01/1989 | 2007/08 - 2007/08 | Profile |
H J Dimmock | Player | 1924/25 - 1926/27 | Profile | |
S Dimmock | Player | 1924/25 - 1924/25 | Profile | |
Kevin Diomande | Player | 27/09/2001 | 2022/23 - 2022/23 | Profile |
John Dipper | Player | 1962/63 - 1962/63 | Profile | |
Vincente Disasi | Player | 2017/18 - 2017/18 | Profile | |
Pat Dolan | Player | 20/09/1967 | 1988/89 - 1988/89 | Profile |
Laste Dombaxe | Player | 14/05/1995 | 2016/17 - 2018/19 | Profile |
Jason Donlan | Player | 2000/01 - 2000/01 | Profile | |
Gary Donnellan | Player | 03/07/1962 | 1992/93 - 1992/93 | Profile |
Leo Donnellan | Player | 19/01/1965 | 1992/93 - 1992/93 | Profile |
Leo Donnellan | Player | 07/07/1998 | 2016/17 - 2022/23 | Profile |
C Donovan | Player | 1938/39 - 1938/39 | Profile | |
Sam Doolan | Player | 23/12/1994 | 2018/19 - 2018/19 | Profile |
Emmanuel Douglas | Player | 2012/13 - 2012/13 | Profile | |
J Dovey | Player | 1945/46 - 1945/46 | Profile | |
Bob Dowie | Player Manager |
30/07/1961 | 1986/87 - 1993/94 | Profile |
Iain Dowie | Player | 09/01/1965 | 1986/87 - 1988/89 | Profile |
Ismail Downes | Player | 1999/00 - 1999/00 | Profile | |
F T Dowse | Player | 1926/27 - 1926/27 | Profile | |
Keith Dowson | Player | 1995/96 - 1995/96 | Profile | |
J Doyle | Player | 1942/43 - 1943/44 | Profile | |
Micky Doyle | Player | 1970/71 - 1970/71 | Profile | |
John Drabwell | Player | 1982/83 - 1982/83 | Profile | |
Peter Drabwell | Player | 1967/68 - 1968/69 | Profile | |
L Drage | Player | 1943/44 - 1943/44 | Profile | |
Roy Drake | Player | 1964/65 - 1966/67 | Profile | |
Roy Drake | Player | 1985/86 - 1985/86 | Profile | |
R A Draper | Player | 1926/27 - 1926/27 | Profile | |
William Drew | Player | 1929/30 - 1929/30 | Profile | |
Sam Dreyer | Player | 28/03/2003 | 2021/22 - 2021/22 | Profile |
Charlie Drinkwater | Player | 25/07/1914 | 1932/33 - 1935/36 | Profile |
Andy Driscoll | Player | 21/10/1971 | 1995/96 - 1995/96 | Profile |
Dermot Drummy | Player | 16/01/1961 | 1980/81 - 1989/90 | Profile |
Michael Duberry | Player | 14/10/1975 | 2013/14 - 2013/14 | Profile |
Adrian Dubovecky | Player | 2011/12 - 2011/12 | Profile | |
George Duck | Player | 22/02/1952 | 1984/85 - 1984/85 | Profile |
Eric Duffield | Player | 27/06/1914 | 1935/36 - 1936/37 | Profile |
Martin Duffield | Player | 28/02/1964 | 1988/89 - 1996/97 | Profile |
Daragh Duffy | Player | 08/02/1980 | 2006/07 - 2007/08 | Profile |
Ray Duffy | Player | 1989/90 - 1989/90 | Profile | |
Steve Duke | Player | 1986/87 - 1988/89 | Profile | |
Daniel Duku | Player | 2005/06 - 2005/06 | Profile | |
Iain Duncan | Player Coach |
31/07/1972 | 2000/01 - 2005/06 | Profile |
James Duncan | Player | 15/01/1984 | 2011/12 - 2011/12 | Profile |
Joe Dunne | Player | 1955/56 - 1955/56 | Profile | |
Paul Dunne | Player | 2000/01 - 2000/01 | Profile | |
Billy Dunn | Player | 12/04/1991 | 2009/10 - 2009/10 | Profile |
Sidney Dunstone | Player | 1919/20 - 1921/22 | Profile | |
William Dupray | Player | 04/02/1999 | 2023/24 - 2023/24 | Profile |
Ted Durrant | Player | 1954/55 - 1955/56 | Profile | |
Lesley Duru | Player | 26/11/2001 | 2024/25 - 2024/25 | Profile |
Dom Duval | Player | 07/11/2002 | 2023/24 - 2023/24 | Profile |
Danny Dyer | Player | 30/05/1982 | 2007/08 - 2012/13 | Profile |