Former Staff - C

Listed in this section is an archive list of all players we currently know to have played first team football for Hendon FC, including trialists. Note that this archive is not complete as we have missing data in our records. If you believe you have information that could help us complete this archive, please contact us.

Current Squad Listing
Name Role D.o.B Time at club  
Daniel Cade Player 1998/99 - 1998/99 Profile
Paul Cafferty Player 2013/14 - 2013/14 Profile
Charlie Cahill Player 2017/18 - 2017/18 Profile
Connor Calcutt Player 10/10/1993 2018/19 - 2019/20 Profile
Channing Campbell-Young Player 18/09/1996 2016/17 - 2017/18 Profile
Alan Campbell Player
Assistant Manager
10/12/1953 1976/77 - 1992/93 Profile
Jeff Campbell Player 25/08/1979 2005/06 - 2005/06 Profile
Luke Campbell Player 25/11/2005 2024/25 - 2024/25 Profile
Mark Campbell Player 1981/82 - 1981/82 Profile
Mike Campbell Player 24/07/1989 2019/20 - 2019/20 Profile
Ricci Campbell Player 2009/10 - 2009/10 Profile
Mike Candey Player 13/02/1938 1959/60 - 1960/61 Profile
E T Cannon Player 1927/28 - 1927/28 Profile
Micky Cannon Player 1968/69 - 1973/74 Profile
Jimmy Cansick Player 1980/81 - 1980/81 Profile
E N C Cantrell Player 19/03/1901 1922/23 - 1922/23 Profile
Bobby Cantwell Player 1964/65 - 1969/70 Profile
Isaac Capeilo Rukundo Player 2008/09 - 2008/09 Profile
Goldy Capela Player 19/10/1995 2015/16 - 2015/16 Profile
R Cappola Player 1938/39 - 1938/39 Profile
Peter Cappuccini Player 1979/80 - 1980/81 Profile
Colin Cardines Player 1990/91 - 1990/91 Profile
Micky Carmody Player 1964/65 - 1964/65 Profile
Stan Carpenter Player 1953/54 - 1954/55 Profile
Fergus Carrick Player 1979/80 - 1979/80 Profile
Alan Carrington Player 1992/93 - 1992/93 Profile
R Carrington Player 1938/39 - 1938/39 Profile
Conor Carroll Player 04/06/1987 2006/07 - 2006/07 Profile
R Carter Player 1946/47 - 1946/47 Profile
W J Carter Player 1927/28 - 1927/28 Profile
Wayne Carter Player 13/09/1980 2004/05 - 2004/05 Profile
Wilson Carvalho Player 04/07/1993 2021/22 - 2021/22 Profile
Eoin Casey Player 12/12/1991 2024/25 to date Profile
John Cashman Player 1949/50 - 1949/50 Profile
F Cassey Player 1945/46 - 1945/46 Profile
Jake Cass Player 2015/16 - 2015/16 Profile
Tommy Caswell Player 1936/37 - 1939/40 Profile
H Caves 9999/00 to date Profile
Henry Caves Player 28/11/1891 1912/13 - 1919/20 Profile
Fred Centa Player 15/01/1907 1926/27 - 1927/28 Profile
Kevin Chakaodza Player 2005/06 - 2005/06 Profile
Bob Chambers Player 1955/56 - 1955/56 Profile
Freddy Champion Player 2015/16 - 2015/16 Profile
Simon Chang Player 2002/03 - 2002/03 Profile
Dave Chappell Player 1942/43 - 1943/44 Profile
Lee Chappell Player 12/10/1985 2018/19 - 2019/20 Profile
Arthur Chard Player 1959/60 - 1959/60 Profile
Marc Charles-Smith Assistant Manager 2023/24 - 2024/25 Profile
Elliott Charles Player 11/02/1990 2011/12 - 2018/19 Profile
Tre Charles Player 12/11/1993 2019/20 - 2019/20 Profile
John Chaventre Player 28/11/1913 1936/37 - 1936/37 Profile
Youssef Chentouf Player 10/02/2004 2024/25 - 2024/25 Profile
Richard Cherry Player 1993/94 - 1993/94 Profile
Bobby Childs Player 30/03/1944 1971/72 - 1976/77 Profile
Chris Childs Player 2004/05 - 2004/05 Profile
Jacob Childs Player 2006/07 - 2006/07 Profile
Keith Childs Player 1968/69 - 1968/69 Profile
Nick Chilvers Player 1994/95 - 1995/96 Profile
Donovan Chislett Player 23/07/1975 2003/04 - 2003/04 Profile
Tony Choules Manager 2004/05 - 2004/05 Profile
Colin Christian Player 1988/89 - 1988/89 Profile
G Christie 9999/00 to date Profile
G Christie Player 1914/15 - 1914/15 Profile
Mark Christodolou Player 1989/90 - 1989/90 Profile
Brian Chubb Player 1963/64 - 1963/64 Profile
Laurie Churchill Player 04/04/1944 1961/62 - 1965/66 Profile
Adrian Clarke Player 28/09/1974 2002/03 - 2002/03 Profile
D Clarke 9999/00 to date Profile
Dewayne Clarke Player 09/11/1978 2011/12 - 2011/12 Profile
Gary Clarke Player 1989/90 - 1989/90 Profile
Jayden Clarke Player 08/05/2001 2020/21 - 2021/22 Profile
Jordan Clarke Player 2012/13 - 2012/13 Profile
Martin Clarke Player 1998/99 - 1998/99 Profile
R S Clarke Player 1924/25 - 1926/27 Profile
Simon Clarke Player 23/09/1971 1995/96 - 2001/02 Profile
Tyrique Clarke Player 05/07/2001 2019/20 - 2019/20 Profile
Warren Clarke Player 2004/05 - 2004/05 Profile
Anthony Clark Player 05/10/1984 2004/05 - 2004/05 Profile
D H Clark Player 1922/23 - 1922/23 Profile
Dave Clark Player 1985/86 - 1986/87 Profile
Lewis Clark Player 16/09/1996 2014/15 - 2014/15 Profile
Simon Clark Player 12/03/1967 1990/91 - 1993/94 Profile
V Clark Player 1941/42 - 1942/43 Profile
A Clayton Player 1923/24 - 1923/24 Profile
Micky Clay Player 1966/67 - 1966/67 Profile
Paul Clements Player 07/11/1946 1967/68 - 1967/68 Profile
AJ Clifford Player 1920/21 - 1921/22 Profile
Lee Close Player 2013/14 - 2013/14 Profile
Martin Coates Player 1984/85 - 1984/85 Profile
H Cobb Player 1925/26 - 1926/27 Profile
A "Mac" Cochrane Player 1939/40 - 1945/46 Profile
J Cochrane Player 1939/40 - 1939/40 Profile
J W Cochrane Player 1922/23 - 1922/23 Profile
John Cochrane Player 1947/48 - 1948/49 Profile
Paul Cockayne Player 1979/80 - 1979/80 Profile
Steven Cogan Player 1927/28 - 1927/28 Profile
Vic Cogger Player 1974/75 - 1974/75 Profile
L Coggs Player 1921/22 - 1921/22 Profile
Jonathan Coke Player 28/03/1982 2010/11 - 2010/11 Profile
George Coleman Player 1939/40 - 1940/41 Profile
Keith Coleman Player 24/05/1951 1980/81 - 1980/81 Profile
Nico Coleman Player 2008/09 - 2008/09 Profile
S A Coles Player 1931/32 - 1931/32 Profile
A Cole 9999/00 to date Profile
A Cole Player 1931/32 - 1931/32 Profile
Isaac Cole Player 2000/01 - 2000/01 Profile
Keagan Cole Player
Assistant Manager
13/07/1999 2015/16 to date Profile
Paul Collett Player 1968/69 - 1969/70 Profile
Billy Collings Player 10/10/1997 2016/17 - 2016/17 Profile
Sam Collins Player 01/06/1989 2007/08 - 2008/09 Profile
Byran Collman Player 1957/58 - 1957/58 Profile
Xavier Comas Player 15/02/1988 2016/17 - 2016/17 Profile
P Comerford Player 1944/45 - 1944/45 Profile
Leslie Compton Player 12/09/1912 1930/31 - 1931/32 Profile
F Congreve Player 1918/19 - 1918/19 Profile
John Connell Player 1971/72 - 1972/73 Profile
Roger Connell Player 08/09/1946 1973/74 - 1973/74 Profile
Alfie Connors Player 2017/18 - 2017/18 Profile
Jack Connors Player 24/10/1994 2012/13 - 2012/13 Profile
Andy Cook Player 12/11/1974 2003/04 - 2005/06 Profile
Ed Cook Player 24/11/1999 2019/20 - 2019/20 Profile
Luke Cook Player 14/11/2002 2024/25 - 2024/25 Profile
Chad Coombes Player 09/09/1983 2002/03 - 2002/03 Profile
Ray Coombes Player 1974/75 - 1975/76 Profile
Forbes Cooper Player 1959/60 - 1959/60 Profile
Frank Cooper Player 1928/29 - 1929/30 Profile
George Cooper Player 1986/87 - 1986/87 Profile
Kevin Cooper Player 14/02/1975 1995/96 - 1995/96 Profile
Mark Cooper Player 21/05/1975 2001/02 - 2005/06 Profile
Micky Cooper Player 1964/65 - 1979/80 Profile
Robbie Cooper Player 1973/74 - 1974/75 Profile
Dean Coppard Player 18/02/1981 2004/05 - 2004/05 Profile
Michael Corcoran Player 27/12/1987 2017/18 - 2017/18 Profile
Sam Corcoran Player 05/02/1991 2019/20 - 2021/22 Profile
John Core Player 29/03/1929 1953/54 - 1954/55 Profile
Edward Cornell Player 11/02/1910 1930/31 - 1932/33 Profile
Steve Corney Player 1986/87 - 1986/87 Profile
J Corsby 9999/00 to date Profile
J Corsby Player 1929/30 - 1929/30 Profile
Alan Cosby Player 1980/81 - 1981/82 Profile
Paul Cotter Player 1984/85 - 1984/85 Profile
Leslie Couchman Player 12/01/1909 1933/34 - 1934/35 Profile
James Courtnage Player 18/03/1984 2004/05 - 2004/05 Profile
Rob Courtnage Player 25/10/1982 2004/05 - 2005/06 Profile
Scott Cousins Player
12/07/1983 2003/04 - 2016/17 Profile
Sid Cousins Player 1925/26 - 1925/26 Profile
Joe Cowan Player 2003/04 - 2003/04 Profile
C Cowgill Player 1924/25 - 1924/25 Profile
Adie Cowler Player 1995/96 - 1995/96 Profile
A G Cox Player 1921/22 - 1921/22 Profile
Andy Cox Player 01/05/1969 1998/99 - 1998/99 Profile
E F Cox Player 1935/36 - 1936/37 Profile
Elliott Cox Player 22/03/1992 2011/12 - 2011/12 Profile
G Cox Player 1943/44 - 1944/45 Profile
W J C Cox Player 1930/31 - 1930/31 Profile
Ricci Crace Player 24/09/1982 2001/02 - 2005/06 Profile
Dean Cracknell Player 2012/13 - 2015/16 Profile
Alan Craddock Player 1966/67 - 1966/67 Profile
Geo Craig Player 21/08/1998 2016/17 - 2017/18 Profile
Gary Crawshaw Player 04/02/1971 1993/94 - 1993/94 Profile
John Creith Player 2019/20 - 2019/20 Profile
Gianni Crichlow Player 06/04/1998 2018/19 - 2021/22 Profile
H Crisp Player 1941/42 - 1941/42 Profile
H Crisp 9999/00 to date Profile
John Croal Player 1919/20 - 1920/21 Profile
J Cronin Player 1946/47 - 1946/47 Profile
Alan Crosby Player 2006/07 - 2007/08 Profile
Jack Cross Player 05/02/1927 1946/47 - 1946/47 Profile
Reece Crowter Player 24/05/2003 2022/23 - 2022/23 Profile
R Crump Player 1927/28 - 1927/28 Profile
Rod Cullum Player 1964/65 - 1964/65 Profile
John Culverwell Player 1967/68 - 1968/69 Profile
Ted Culver Player 1952/53 - 1953/54 Profile
Dave Cumberbatch Player 1989/90 - 1989/90 Profile
Kurtis Cumberbatch Player 21/09/1995 2023/24 - 2024/25 Profile
Marc Cumberbatch Player 02/08/1984 2009/10 - 2009/10 Profile
John Cummings Player 1955/56 - 1955/56 Profile
Graeme Cunningham Player 1954/55 - 1955/56 Profile
Stephen Cunningham Player 24/05/1990 2009/10 - 2009/10 Profile
Reginald Curner Player 1919/20 - 1919/20 Profile
Paul Curran Player 21/09/1963 1984/85 - 1985/86 Profile
Cameron Currie Player 26/02/1999 2017/18 - 2017/18 Profile
Darren Currie Player 29/11/1974 2011/12 - 2012/13 Profile
E Currie Player 1943/44 - 1943/44 Profile
Isaac Currie Player 03/11/1995 2024/25 to date Profile
Lee Currie Player 2012/13 - 2012/13 Profile
Paul Currie Player 1972/73 - 1981/82 Profile
Tony Currie Player 01/01/1950 1985/86 - 1985/86 Profile
Henry Curtis Player 25/06/2006 2024/25 to date Profile
J Curtis Player 1934/35 - 1935/36 Profile
Jason Curtis Player 2000/01 - 2000/01 Profile
Freddie Cushing Player 14/01/1899 1920/21 - 1921/22 Profile