Supporters' Trust looking for new secretary

Greensnet Editor
Tue 08 Jun 2010, 00:14

Hendon FC Supporters' Trust are looking for a new secretary, to take over the role from current acting secretary Chris Rogers after their AGM next month. At the last board meeting Chris gave notice of his intention to stand down as secretary as of the end of July due to other commitments that he felt were impacting on his ability to continue giving the time he thought to be necessary.

The Trust are now meeting once a month, and the main task for the secretary would be to produce minutes from these meetings for distribution around the board, as well as minute the AGM and any SGMs held during the year. The Trust's secretary has also been responsible in recent years for keeping track of the composition of the board and ensuring that we have the right number of elected and co-opted members at any given time to satisfy the company's rules.

To register interest in the role, or if you have any questions about exactly what it entails, please contact Trust co-chairman Phil Rogers on e-mail at

Chris has said that he intends to remain a member of the Supporters' Trust board on an ongoing basis, and the rest of the board would like to thank him for his efforts while acting as secretary of the Trust.