Funding our Future

Greensnet Editor
Mon 24 Jun 2024, 10:00

As we approach the £15k mark with Funding our Future, we also approach the start of pre-season training.

I'm sure we'd all agree that Lee has done an excellent job so far in retaining so many of last season's squad, and adding one or two new faces. However, the job is far from done, and if we are to complete the squad, and be able to maintain it for the entirety of the new season, we continue to need your support.

So far, we have had 82 donations making up £14,262.50, which is a brilliant effort. Many of these donations are from repeat donors. Again, the more people that are able to contribute, the better chance we have of building a squad that's not just competitive, but that could thrive.

In addition, we are committed to building our investment in our community projects alongside our charitable partners, the Silver Jubilee Park Charitable Foundation, and becoming more connected with Hendon Youth and Hendon Women. This all take time and money.

To thrive, we all need to do that little bit more if our personal budgets allow. 200 people contributing £200 each across the next few months would give us a fighting chance of backing up last season with another great campaign this time around.

We're all invested in this great club of ours, and we're in the unique position of holding our own future in the palms of our hands. Please contribute what you can in the coming weeks to help us get more players over the line, and build the club into something even more special than it already is.

Please visit [https://>Funding our Future to donate what you can.