We are in the process of updating the archive with additional data, and so far have completed seasons 1919-20, 1920-21, 1921-22, 1922-23 and 1923-24 as far as we can given the current availability of information.
We have added match reports when available - including some opposition reports, added or amended line-ups and goalscorers, and found dates for some matches previously shown as TBA. We have also added several new matches that were previously unknown.
We have in some cases added times to the goalscorers, but please note that, unless a time is given or can be deduced from the relevant match report, the times shown are intended only to show the order of goalscoring and are not guaranteed to be accurate.
This process is ongoing, and over time it is hoped to extend this as far as the 1939-40 season, working on each season in sequence.