Imani Allaway-Muir Fund

Greensnet Editor
Fri 17 Jul 2020, 09:25

We have been contacted by our former striker Niko Muir to raise awareness around a fund that has been set up in memory of his nephew, Imani Allaway-Muir.

Imani, who was just 22 when he died, was shot in Islington recently and tragically died at the scene. A son, grandson, brother, nephew, cousin and friend, Imani's passing has hit a community extremely hard and his family have set up to raise contributions towards Imani's funeral.

If you would like to support Niko and his family as they mourn the passing of a much loved young man, please do so by following the below link.

The thoughts of everyone with the club are with Niko, who also sadly lost his mother earlier this year, and his family.

Imani Allaway Muir Funeral GoFundMe Page