West Hendon Playing Fields drop-in sessions

Greensnet Editor
Mon 12 Nov 2018, 08:33

A reminder that the drop-in sessions about the draft masterplan for West Hendon Playing Fields are taking place tomorrow. They are taking place at the West Hendon Community Hub from 10.30am-12.30pm and 3.15pm-7.00pm. This gives you an opportunity to view the draft masterplan and provide feedback. The hub can be found at Gadwall House, Perryfield Way, NW9 7DZ

The Sport, Leisure and Culture Consultancy (SLC) has been appointed by Barnet Council to undertake an appraisal of the options available to the Council for the development and creation of sports hubs and associated community facilities at West Hendon Playing Fields, in line with the recommendations of the Parks and Opens Spaces Strategy and Playing Pitch Strategy.

Now, in Phase 2, this consultation is asking for your views on the draft masterplan for West Hendon Playing Fields. Specifically, they are seeking your views on: the facilities proposed within the draft masterplan, the layout and location of the proposed facilities within the draft masterplan, any comments you may have on the overall draft masterplan.

Please give them your views on the draft masterplan by completing the online questionnaire. They welcome responses from anybody or any organisation interested in the future development of the site, including those from outside of the area of Barnet Council.

Please click the link below to take you through to the Engage Barnet page, which will have the survey and the accompanying documents which you will need to view when responding to the survey. These documents are: the draft masterplan of West Hendon Playing Fields, layout of the community hub building and a document answering Frequently Asked Questions about the project.

The survey should take no more than 10-15 minutes. Please note the survey will close on the 2nd December 2018.


Thank you in advance for your participation in the online survey. Please encourage any other people or organisations you know that would be interested in the future development of West Hendon Playing Fields to participate.